Factory Review

Because China is different, so does its factories. There are 2 strong reasons why it is recommended to always visit your future suppliers

  • Understand the challenges and the concept of those factories
  • Get to know your suppliers and what you can expect from them

What can happen? Looking at the picture above, it is not possible to expect the same quality than in USA or Europe assuming the processes in place and never trust a supplier claiming high quality. Actually, whether they do good or not, most of them don’t really know what quality means for a westerner. It might sound surprising, but this is our daily routine.


For that purpose, we created a business oriented visit, which is the opportunity to address various topics through our expert team and can save you the oversea travel cost and time.

This is particularly suitable before the final supplier selection or to confirm a choice and this is a half day factory visit to address:

  • Pre-Audit to ensure it can pass final audit or implement corrective actions.
  • Company RFI/RFQ answers and quotations.
  • Factory and production visit/conditions.
  • Face to face communication with supplier management to evaluate the business cooperation possibility and potential risks.
  • Negotiate price, terms and conditions as well as initiating the supply contract.


* What you get:

  • Reliable and neutral factory evaluation in all aspects, with experienced and local eyes;
  • Factory comparison with their best competitors (especially in a short list process);
  • Get pictures of the factory and production
  • Confirmation of all RFI/RFQ data provided (no misunderstanding shall remain).
  • Address project related aspects like manufacturing risks, quality, schedule,…